
Showing posts from 2017

Remembering Tony Cleary 1934 - 2016

TO TONY CLEARY RIP ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH Tony Cleary was born in Erinvale Hospital in the city of Cork, Ireland on July 21 1934. I met him in Chiswick, London in February 1962. He died July 6 2016 aged almost 82 years of age. I am remembering him as I approach the  first anniversary of his death. He died July 6 2016.  (I begin this blog June 28 2017. Here are some notes (in  italic  font ) which he made in our genealogy file, possibly around 2011 .  Any explanatory notes I have added are not italicized, and are in red font colour. I have also added spacing for easier reading At three years of age, he became ill and was admitted to the Mercy Hospital in Cork to have an appendix opperation. His mother told him that when she was pregnant with him, she was diagnosed with an appendix. When he was born, her appendix problem disappeared. While he was in the Mercy Hospital (around 1937) there was a major tragedy in Cork City. All the ambulances were dive